Tudias Relocation Service

Sie haben Schwierigkeiten dabei, sich im Durcheinander der deutschen Bürokratie zurechtzufinden? Für einen sorgenfreien Start in den Hochschulalltag in Deutschland bietet TUDIAS internationalen Studieninteressierten vier verschiedene TUDIAS Relocation Services an. Ob als Einzel- oder All Inklusive-Paket: Sie buchen die Leistungen noch vor Beginn Ihres Studiums und erleichtern so die ersten Wochen Ihres Studentenlebens.

  • Studienbeginn ganz ohne Stress
  • Individuelle Beratung und Betreuung
  • Optimale Abstimmung auf Ihre Bedürfnisse
  • Persönliche Unterstützung durch TUDIAS

Erfahrungen mit den Tudias
Relocation Services

  • Wendy Siabato Hooper from Panama
    participant of the TUDIAS Preparatory College

    "I’d like to thank TUDIAS for the support and personal attention! Even if studying abroad requires a lot of work and perseverance, it has opened up so many new opportunities for me - not only professionally, but also culturally."

  • Yue Wen from China
    participant of the German language course at TUDIAS

    "Studying in Germany - and thus learning the German language with TUDIAS - has not only brought me further on a professional level, it has also allowed me to grow. I am grateful for that and hope that I can learn a lot more about myself in the future."

  • Qiqi Yang from China
    participant of the German language course at TUDIAS

    "Participating in the TUDIAS intensive course really helped me to find my way around Germany, the people here and the way they interact with each other. It is now much easier for me to exchange my opinions and ideas in German and to have both everyday and professional conversations."

  • Ziqi Wang from China
    participant of the German language course at TUDIAS

    "Studying in Germany has always been one of my biggest dreams. Thanks to my participation in the GFL course at TUDIAS, I was finally able to enroll at TU Dresden in October 2020 - and have thus come a big step closer to my goal."


Kyra Sollfrank
TUDIAS Relocation Service

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